Wednesday, June 13, 2012


It troubles me very much these days when I see so many "dating" and "mating" sites out there.  They are predators who prey on lonely young men and women that's all.  Not all of them are geared toward the younger generation there happens to be some of those sites for older people as well.  Don't get me wrong. It's okay to day-dream about the fantastic love that never came along, or the "one that got away".  But please young people especially should not be pining away for a love they believe they will never find in their lifetimes.  If you believe in God start praying to Him......He WILL hear you.  I even saw one that advertises that they can find GOD'S MATCH FOR YOU.  How do you know that's God's match for you?   You take a chance because all of life is a chance.  There is no quick fix.  Thus, it is the same way with so many many romance writers.  How much does it take to sit down and write a story about some love you are fantasizing about for yourself?  It doesn't take much, and certainly requires very little imagination.  The real work is when you can sit down and actually write a story about something that will entertain readers.  I couldn't believe how many WOMEN were so enthralled with "Twilight".  It's a teeny-bopper movie (all of them) with a soap opera flair!  Come on people.  As writers we should aspire to write something better than that don't you think?  
  Another thing I would like to bring up is that cancer that rears its' ugly head in so many wannabe writers.  It begins with a "j" and it eats from the inside out like any other cancer does. I actually had someone email me with something that was so envenomed with envy I couldn't stand it. Of course they hid it behind words like "sister" and "love", and talking about God, but anybody who is a seasoned soldier in His Army could see right through all of that venom.  It was terrible!  It's not my fault that He gave me something that evidently didn't give you, and that is the gift to write something that is actually entertaining. I don't have to defend my work, it speaks for itself at the online book reviews.   I had one reviewer send me a nearly three page letter critique on a five and a half short story.  I thought that was ridiculous.  In case you want to know what the story is take a look on facebook.  It is entitled "The Doorway".  My goodness you would have thought she was critiquing one of my novels.  A friend of mine, Lynnette Phillips, who is an awesome Author and a true "soldier" like myself wrote an article on her blog about the terrible jealousy that some wannabes have toward those of us who are real Writers. It was so true.  You may not agree with me and that's your perogative.  But just don't shut out the truth while you're at it. It really will set you free folks.    I think our young men and women need to find God because that's Who they are really searching for.  Sadly, they just don't know it.  And to the one who wrote that terrible email to me telling me to watch what I'd better watch what YOU say because you're not as much of a Christian as you might think judging from what you wrote to me.